(instances-create)= # How to create instances To create an instance, you can use either the [`incus init`](incus_create.md) or the [`incus launch`](incus_launch.md) command. The [`incus init`](incus_create.md) command only creates the instance, while the [`incus launch`](incus_launch.md) command creates and starts it. ## Usage Enter the following command to create a container: incus launch|init : [flags] Image : Images contain a basic operating system (for example, a Linux distribution) and some Incus-related information. Images for various operating systems are available on the built-in remote image servers. See {ref}`images` for more information. Unless the image is available locally, you must specify the name of the image server and the name of the image (for example, `images:ubuntu/22.04` for the official 22.04 Ubuntu image). Instance name : Instance names must be unique within an Incus deployment (also within a cluster). See {ref}`instance-properties` for additional requirements. Flags : See [`incus launch --help`](incus_launch.md) or [`incus init --help`](incus_create.md) for a full list of flags. The most common flags are: - `--config` to specify a configuration option for the new instance - `--device` to override {ref}`device options ` for a device provided through a profile, or to specify an {ref}`initial configuration for the root disk device ` - `--profile` to specify a {ref}`profile ` to use for the new instance - `--network` or `--storage` to make the new instance use a specific network or storage pool - `--target` to create the instance on a specific cluster member - `--vm` to create a virtual machine instead of a container ## Pass a configuration file Instead of specifying the instance configuration as flags, you can pass it to the command as a YAML file. For example, to launch a container with the configuration from `config.yaml`, enter the following command: incus launch images:ubuntu/22.04 ubuntu-config < config.yaml ```{tip} Check the contents of an existing instance configuration ([`incus config show --expanded`](incus_config_show.md)) to see the required syntax of the YAML file. ``` ## Examples The following examples use [`incus launch`](incus_launch.md), but you can use [`incus init`](incus_create.md) in the same way. ### Launch a system container To launch a system container with an Ubuntu 22.04 image from the `images` server using the instance name `ubuntu-container`, enter the following command: incus launch images:ubuntu/22.04 ubuntu-container ### Launch an application container To launch an application (OCI) container, you first need to add an image registry: incus remote add oci-docker https://docker.io --protocol=oci And then can launch a container from one of its images: incus launch oci-docker:hello-world --ephemeral --console ### Launch a virtual machine To launch a virtual machine with an Ubuntu 22.04 image from the `images` server using the instance name `ubuntu-vm`, enter the following command: incus launch images:ubuntu/22.04 ubuntu-vm --vm Or with a bigger disk: incus launch images:ubuntu/22.04 ubuntu-vm-big --vm --device root,size=30GiB ### Launch a container with specific configuration options To launch a container and limit its resources to one vCPU and 192 MiB of RAM, enter the following command: incus launch images:ubuntu/22.04 ubuntu-limited --config limits.cpu=1 --config limits.memory=192MiB ### Launch a VM on a specific cluster member To launch a virtual machine on the cluster member `server2`, enter the following command: incus launch images:ubuntu/22.04 ubuntu-container --vm --target server2 ### Launch a container with a specific instance type Incus supports simple instance types for clouds. Those are represented as a string that can be passed at instance creation time. The syntax allows the three following forms: - `` - `:` - `c-m` For example, the following three instance types are equivalent: - `t2.micro` - `aws:t2.micro` - `c1-m1` To launch a container with this instance type, enter the following command: incus launch images:ubuntu/22.04 my-instance --type t2.micro The list of supported clouds and instance types can be found at [`https://github.com/dustinkirkland/instance-type`](https://github.com/dustinkirkland/instance-type). ### Launch a VM that boots from an ISO To launch a VM that boots from an ISO, you must first create a VM. Let's assume that we want to create a VM and install it from the ISO image. In this scenario, use the following command to create an empty VM: incus init iso-vm --empty --vm ```{note} Depending on the needs of the operating system being installed, you may want to allocate more CPU, memory or storage to the virtual machine. For example, for 2 CPUs, 4 GiB of memory and 50 GiB of storage, you can do: incus init iso-vm --empty --vm -c limits.cpu=2 -c limits.memory=4GiB -d root,size=50GiB ``` The second step is to import an ISO image that can later be attached to the VM as a storage volume: incus storage volume import iso-volume --type=iso Lastly, you need to attach the custom ISO volume to the VM using the following command: incus config device add iso-vm iso-volume disk pool= source=iso-volume boot.priority=10 The `boot.priority` configuration key ensures that the VM will boot from the ISO first. Start the VM and connect to the console as there might be a menu you need to interact with: incus start iso-vm --console Once you're done in the serial console, you need to disconnect from the console using `ctrl+a-q`, and connect to the VGA console using the following command: incus console iso-vm --type=vga You should now see the installer. After the installation is done, you need to detach the custom ISO volume: incus storage volume detach iso-volume iso-vm Now the VM can be rebooted, and it will boot from disk. ### Install the Incus Agent into virtual machine instances In order for features like direct command execution (`incus exec`), file transfers (`incus file`) and detailed usage metrics (`incus info`) to work properly with virtual machines, an agent software is provided by Incus. The virtual machine images from the [images](https://images.linuxcontainers.org) remote are pre-configured to load that agent on startup. For other virtual machines, you may want to manually install the agent. ```{note} The Incus Agent is currently available only on Linux virtual machines. ``` Incus provides the agent through a remote `9p` file system with mount name `config`. To install the agent, you'll need to get access to the virtual machine and run the following commands: mount -t 9p config /mnt cd /mnt ./install.sh The first line will mount the remote file system on the mount point `/mnt`. The subsequent commands will run the installation script `install.sh` to install and run the Incus Agent. You need to perform this task once.